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Art Teachers

Ms. Gomez

Ms. Gomez has been teaching at ELC for 3 years. A Cal State graduate from Whittier, Ms Gomez taught high school first but now teaches middle school art. She enjoys working with the students here and loves that they love to create!

Ms. Parker

This is Ms. Parker's 24th year teaching art at ELC but in total, she has over 29 years of teaching experience. She teaches Design, Photography, Art History, and AP Art History. Ms. Parker helps students express themselves and puts an emphasis on learning to enjoy the process of their work. 

Mr. Sanchez

Mr. Sanchez teaches the middle school music and instrument courses here at ELC. He is in charge of the school band in addition to various other on- campus, music related organizations. Mr. Sanchez is passionate about music and sharing that passion with his students.

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